I had heard of Sorry to Bother You prior to watching it in class, and I thought it seemed really cool if a little weird, but I was never expecting it to be what it ended up being - it was seriously one of the biggest mind trips that I have experienced watching any movie. As a lot of people have already talked about, what made it so insane was the fact that it started out fairly normal. Sure, it seemed a little bit off, but the world that Cash enters as soon as he is promoted completely changes everything. I looked the movie up on Wikipedia because I was curious as to what the general reception was, and it seems to have been really well received, which doesn't surprise me because regardless of how absurd it is, it was still objectively a really great film. What really interested me though, is something Boots Riley said, which is that the movie is not actually meant to specifically critique the Trump administration. I don't think I was ever necessarily under the impression tha...