I guess I should have seen it coming since Mr. Mitchell warned us multiple times about the dialogue that happens between the books, but reading Native Son and Invisible Man back to back has really been a wild experience. One comparison which blew my mind just a little just because of how painfully specific it was, was the similarity that we talked about today during class between the narrator in Invisible Man and Bigger Thomas. In Chapter 3 specifically, the former is so clearly a reflection of Bigger Thomas that it’s difficult to ignore. He is tasked with driving around a white client who makes him at once uncomfortable and confused. And yet, against his better judgment, he is compelled to stray from his intended course. In doing so he exposes his passenger to a new lifestyle and part of town - something that was certainly not in his job description. But as soon as the ball gets rolling it can’t be stopped, and in parallel with Bigger’s fate, readers get the feeling that ...