I probably shouldn’t be admitting this- but I actually have yet to finish Slaughterhouse-Five. I still have the last chapter left, but so far, I have counted exactly 77 instances of “so it goes.” I found the continued usage of this phrase really interesting because it just kept coming back – sometimes every paragraph on a page ended in “so it goes.” When I started looking for a theme which tied all the instances together, the only thing I noticed was that it was usually at the end of passages, and much less often in the middle of passages. As I was looking around at articles for my panel presentation though, I read something which I had never thought about, but which is super obvious now – the “so it goes” always comes after the death of someone or something. I think that the effect of the “so it goes” relates to the entire book as a whole in the irony and the understatement that comes along with it. Every...